Britain’s defence minister, Tobias Ellwood, has criticized the potential of a no deal Brexit saying it would hinder the UK’s ability to prevent large scale security attacks. Looking at these comments and how Brexit has taken shape this year, Sputnik spoke to Eddie Bone, Campaign Director at the Campaign for an English Parliament.
Sputnik: It’s been a long year for the British government on the subject of Brexit. Since the start of the year, we’ve seen a breakdown in talks and lasting lack of confidence in Britain’s Prime Minister — Theresa May. How significant have some of these scenes been for the Brexit movement?
Eddie Bone: I think for me personally because of the constitutional issues, Theresa May has been outmanoeuvred on Ireland. She’s been purposely saying that she wouldn’t damage the integrity of the UK but she has been actively considering a UK border down the Irish Sea. This has been going on whilst the Irish Prime Minister has been putting on unrealistic demands on the British government without Theresa May challenging him.

We are in a situation now where we’ve highlighted Irish unification is a serious constitutional problem. I’m actually amazed and astonished that the Irish Prime Minister hasn’t called a border a poll; he is able to undo the Good Friday agreement and that would mean that the island of Ireland could become united again. The UK would lose Northern Ireland and become great but actually, the most important part is Brexit for Theresa May would have gone through. We’ve seen a really weak prime minister being outmanoeuvred on Ireland and now the integrity of the UK is in question without a shadow of a doubt.
Sputnik: What do we need to see from Theresa May and the British government to ensure that Brexit is carried out and delivered in the desired manner that Britain voted for?
Eddie Bone: Well she’s stuck between a rock and a hard place because if she doesn’t deliver on Brexit now then the people of England will see that their voices have been completely and utterly ignored. If she does deliver her Brexit we will have a situation where Ireland will become a serious issue. The SNP with Nicola Sturgeon at the helm would lose all credibility if she doesn’t call for another Scottish independence referendum. The British government has walked itself into a constitutional crisis. How are they going to get out of that? Well, they’ve just got to deliver on Brexit, in my mind; they’ve got to keep going in what was a democratic will for the UK. If they don’t do that I think we’re in for a very bumpy ride.
Sputnik: In the past two months we’ve seen coordinated efforts to oust Theresa May as leader of the Conservative party and out of Number 10. Do we know how long the Prime Minister has left?
Eddie Bone: I don’t think anyone knows! She’s survived so many of these situations that you would have thought she wouldn’t have survived but every time she has survived we’ve seen that the common people are seeing a political elite that is quite corrupt, very manipulative and is really out of touch with what the ordinary people are actually seeing. The longer she survives the more damage she does to the political system. Maybe some people would look at this as a good thing but actually, whatever happens, we are looking at a constitutional crisis right now.
The views expressed in this article are those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.