An invite to debate – An English Parliament or English Independence? at Winchester University on the 10th November 2016
Professor John Denham, a Labour Cabinet Minister between 2007 and 2010 has kindly invited the Campaign for an English Parliament to give a speech at Winchester University with a question and answer session afterwards. This is an opportunity to show your support for an English Parliament and that you want a fair deal for England. The CEP is giving the speech so you know that the arguments put forward will be given by someone who will have English interests at heart and who will be prepared to put the supporting facts for English self-governance across. If you can attend this event then please make sure you have a question ready (if you want to ask one). Your support is needed as this will be the first time (that we are aware of) that English independence will be put over as an option if the British government continues to ignore English concerns. Below is the advertisement for the event and the link to register for it.
Event Description
Speaker Eddie Bone, Campaign Director
The Campaign for an English Parliament (CEP)
The Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly were justified in 1998 on the grounds that ‘no nation can operate democratically or politically without a Parliament of its own’. Why hasn’t the need for democratic accountability, self-determination and preservation of a national identity been applied to England?
Unlike the other nations of the UK, the British state has treated England differently. Only one option – Regional Devolution – has been put to the English and was overwhelming rejected.
Eddie Bone, from the Campaign for an English Parliament will challenge the orthodox British Establishment’s view that England needs to be Regionalised if the UK is to survive. He will argue that the creation of an English parliament linked with decentralisation of power within England is the only solution that will save the UK. If not quickly implemented then English Independence will be the only political route left for the English.
This event is hosted by The Centre for English Identity and Politics
Cash Bar available before and after the event.
This event is hosted by the Centre for English Identity and Politics
Thursday, November 10, 2016 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM (GMT) – Add to Calendar
The Stripe Theatre – Sparkford Road University of Winchester, Winchester, SO22 4NR – View Map