C.E.P. News

A Minister for England?

If you want your voice to be heard please comment on the Progressonline article entitled ‘A Minister for England?’ This is the link to the article:  http://prog.rs/7xq When making a comment please think of the following…

Does England matter?

Dear Member and Supporter The CEP attended this debate and also attended the 2nd debate discussing Labour and England this week. http://www.theoptimisticpatriot.co.uk/post/139187464883/does-england-matter-the-first-seminar#disqus_thread I would like to point you to this paragraph in the article below:…

Our Friends in ‘England in my Heart’

Dear Member and Supporter, Our Friends in ‘England in my Heart’, who are campaigning for an English National anthem, organised for a Gospel Choir and a High Tenor to sing ‘Jerusalem’ outside of parliament on…