Do the English have a “Claim of Right”

England’s population are being confused by what is happening in their country, and are still not fully aware, or are completely ignorant in most cases, of the fact that since Devolution the British have been waging a war of Ethnocide against England. This is affecting everybody, not only the indigenous English population, all because England, unlike the UKs other countries was not given any political and constitutional existence in British Devolution 1998. England since this time was, and still is, the only country in the UK not able to defend itself against any UK British political party’s government policies, or the policies of discrimination coming from the UKs separate regional governments.

Some of these separate regions have been given National status like Scotland and Wales. Unlike Genocide, Ethnocide is not based on the physical destruction of the country and its people, but rather on the destruction of their country’s homeland identity, and the name, culture and laws of the people associated with it, so that neither appear to exist.

There is no doubt that the EU’s plan was to transform the United Kingdom into a land that was incapable of defending itself, or articulating its own national interests, and had been in full flow since the 1998 Devolution. Devolution, being the first phase of an EU battle plan that called ultimately for the voluntary surrender of British control over the United Kingdom to an EU Empire building project.

Phase (1) EU Regions. Unfortunately, now out of the EU all British political parties are still supporting this policy of regions and are making no attempt to take back power from the nations, and so the disestablished unitary existence of the United Kingdom is continuing, although they are pretending otherwise.

Phase (1/a) Regional Power. Once established these new Regions automatically became EU Regions, and the British were required to voluntary devolve (surrender) power to them that passed out of their own control to the EU. Regional power has gradually been passed virtually unnoticed from the UK to the EU, until recent events in the London Region. (Greater London Authority Area). Even though we have been out of the EU since January 2020 the British are not considering taking back sovereignty andcontrol from the national regions, or the GLA, and are refusing to rescind 1000s of EU Laws.

Regions Phase (2) England’s British Devolution proposal is to save themselves by turning England into a Multicultural Britain. With the present constitutional position to do this they must destroy the idea that England is a nation state like our neighbours. England must make the British revisit the UK constitution because without an England nation there is no UK.

To accomplish their aim the British are carrying out an Ethnocide program on the English nation that has destroyed the very fabrics of the Acts of the Union of England and Scotland, democracy and the existence of an English nation. From its laws in the roots of the Crown in parliament and the commons to its religious based cultural activities, constitutional history and law, etc. all are still under attack. To do what exactly! What it HAS DONE and continues to do is re – introduce all the multicultural conflicts of old.

The British are continuing to destroy England’s counties and systems of law and local government by encouraging counties to unite into a number of regions around (9). More easily to break up English Unity and identity with internecine revival between 9 regions, than at least 4 times that number of counties. It also makes it easier for the British to force England to become their Britain, and take on their new British law and a multicultural identity. Especially easier too, if the British are allowed to keep their open-door policy to multiple world immigrants legal or not. Britain, Britain, Britain, their racist name calling against England while encouraging the names of our other nations is a racism at its worst and never ceases.

An English education with constitutional history and integration policies to accommodate immigrants has, and is, being denied to England. Our other UK nations with political, and constitutional existence, are promoting their own identities at home, and internationally, that cannot be controlled by British government’s because they have devolved that power to them. All Devolved powers given to regions passed automatically to the EU. Are the British going to take back those Devolved powers or let them continue to act under their own durestriction.   Why were the English allowing the British to gradually surrender Scotland’s half of the United Kingdom to the EU. Why were they allowing their own half, England’s, not only to be denied its existence, but to be broken up and gifted to the EU in British multicultural bits, which many English still want to do.  Bits that deny them their own English nation’s existence and identity. The reason for the bits is obvious, but England’s elected British MPs turning out to be accepting the EUs 30 pieces of silver was much harder to understand. England and Englishness are something to be positively proud about. It is the right of the people of England to have their own distinct particular English national identity acknowledged, within the UK, and the world as those of Scotland and Wales have been acknowledged in the British 1998 Devolution legislation.

England should be telling the British to BUTT OUT of its internal affairs like the Scots have done if they want the UK to survive. They should be made to create a new devolution program that includes the English nation. Why do the British and some English still want to surrender to Europe when the UK voted out? why do they want to destroy the United Kingdom? Why do they want to deny democracy, laws and a culture that every immigrant around the world is fighting to get here to partake in?

The English should not let their country be annexed, are the English going to surrender what their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers and ancestors have fought and died to protect since time immemorial. England needs a Secretary of State “Now” as an interim period to progress towards a new constitution that includes England’s participation and co-operation.

British identity.

From 1707 until 1948 the people in the separate Kingdoms of England and Scotland, had been united under one monarch, and became British subjects, and so did the people in countries that fell into the hands of the growing British Empire. In 1948, British subjects of the UK were automatically made both British citizens and subjects. But commonwealth countries only remained British subjects till 1983. Being English and subjects is the only reason why the UK is still together in its present form. (Recent attacks on getting rid of the monarchy)

In 1707 these two now separate Kingdoms took on a new United Kingdom British identity, that grew into an Empire that controlled a quarter of the Earth’s land area. The government of this new British Empire had until Devolution 1998 been under the control of one institution of government, set in England’s capital city London. Wales had been a principality since 1284 and incorporated with England since the rein of Henry VIII so the Welsh too became British subjects in the new Empire. “There never was a United Kingdom citizenship.”

 A new flag of Empire was designed when Ireland joined the union in 1801 that included all three flags of the country saints, but obviously did not include Wales. Flag still used today even though it is dated, southern Ireland is now separate and a republic, and Wales has been given back its national status. The reason this flag is being forced on England now should be obvious.

Since 1301 the heir to England’s Throne has carried the title Prince of Wales. “Make a note” that legally the UK is a reserved matter from Devolution 1998, but with Scotland still fighting for independence, and Wales being given back its national status it cannot be seen to be guaranteed that the union will survive. If not, he will NOT be an automatic heir to any throne, neither Britain’s, England’s, Wales, or Scotland’s while England has no political or constitutional existence. Until the British succeed to totally force their British Britain identity on England, his crown will rest on the agreement of the Devolved nations. Hence, lookout for a British attack on getting rid of the English title and the monarchy as they try destroy English subjects England’s law-making body and replace it with the more compatible style of the Blair government.

Being British a Brit means you are a citizen of the British State, it is not to be confused with the individual person’s separate racial identity, it is simply indicating the persons relationship with the state’s political culture. Citizenship and its acquisition are a legal formality that gives an individual civic rights and obligations, and because of this it is possible to be a citizen of more than one country. Hence a British citizen might be English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, French, Indian, or of any other nation you care to mention. But the British had signed away your individual British citizenship to a European citizenship that allowed all the other 430 million people in the EU to come here, plus any immigrants those countries gave citizenship too and if you go back in this continues again.

The offer of British citizenship to immigrants looks like a bribe, when you see billions of pounds of English money and benefits being given to anybody that will come here into England and help them to destroy the English Nation’s power over their homeland. Tony Blair’s Labour Party was one of the first to sign up to the EU open door immigration policy, and also the man that signed us up to the now problematic European Court of Human Rights legislation. (ECHR) British political parties since have all supported him. The man knew the problems, and even stated himself, that it was to rub English noses in diversity, and him and his co – partner Gordan Brown are still around advising governments today. I am sure these two would relish in seeing the completion of their plans to destroy the English, English Law and the power of Westminster.

DEVOLUTION the Beginning

When the European Common Market made the progression to become the Empire building European Union of today, new agreements of entry required all countries to comply with a policy that forced the UK to relinquish government powers down to regions. English Law which is unique, also had to be made compatible with EU Law. Both these requirements have been on ongoing. A challenge against the English Magna Carta and Habeas Corpus was overcome, but in practice it seems the government and police are ignoring it, and it only functions in the courts. Tony Blairs government saw off many, top English Barristers etc with retirements to help this EU law requirement to be achieved, and replaced them with those of his own choice to work in his new desired law and justice system which could destroy the Union.

Scotland’s desire for breaking away from the now crumbling UK British Empire and its British identity was given a boost when in 1992 PM John Major and his Conservative British Government signed up to the entry EU “Treaty of the Regions”. requirement. Seizing the opportunity after the election of a New Labour Party in 1997, the new UK parliament now under the control of PM Tony Blair and a Scottish dominated government, used the Treaty to carry out a regional Devolution on the UK.

Using Scotland’s “Claim of Right” An oath sworn by all of Scotland’s dignitaries to put Scotland’s interests before those of all other nations. The Scots, led by Gordon Brown and PM Tony Blair carried out a Regional Devolution on the UK in 1998 that made Scotland a new EU National Region within the EU, and they gave themselves a separate parliament and government that destroyed Acts of the Union.  At the same time National EU regional status was given to Wales, offered to Ireland and even the little Isle of Man, but not to “England”. This act has virtually destroyed the 300-year-old union of the kingdoms which is now hanging in the balance.

The contempt Tony Blair and his British Labour government had for the English nation in this Devolution was expedited when they failed to get the English to accept British regions. So angry, that he handed Devolution to England’s capital city London, and gave it recognition with its own Assembly government. IF THE ENGLLISH HAD ONLY BEEN BRITISH CITIZENS AND NOT SUBJECTS HE COULD HAVE FORCED ENGLAND TO ACCEPT THESE MULTICULYURAL REGIONS.  

Devolution has given three out of the four major countries, plus “London” that make up the UK, separate political and constitutional recognition. These “Now Separate National Regions” of the UK were while in the EU continually being given more powers by British UK governments that automatically transferred to the EU and out of their own control. Hence, even though we are out of the EU no British UK government of any political party has the power to put out a Manifesto that has to apply to all UK countries including London until they take that power back. All UK now separate countries and London have gained the power to put out their own separate discrimination Manifestos based on all the powers devolved to them. These Manifestos has the English have witnessed, are all against England and them in British Britain, and incredibly the English are helping to pay for it. These manifestos are having the British desired effect and we are seeing an increase in internecine revival, as the manifestos are all against each other, and help to break down the unity of England and the unity of the United Kingdom.

These new British national regions were being given special privileges and billions of pounds, by the UK from the continuation of their UK money under a formula called Barnet besides funding off the EU. This is a formula that was designed to be temporary, but the British don’t want to stop it, and is increasing every year. At the moment it is generating billions of pounds to the nations on top of their British grant. For every £100 spent per head in England, Scotland receives £126 per head added to their grant totalling now to around £45 billion plus. This discrimination against England and the English doesn’t stop there. The British commission for Racial Equality has refused to recognise that the English are a race separate and indigenous to all others, and the British are allowing this discrimination to continue even though they know this isn’t true. They know that the “Ethnic English Trust” the Voice of the English Community, reminded them of the case of the BBC Scotland v Souster in 2001 that had proven the English were recognised under their British Race Relations Act. English people living in Scotland are taking cases to court and winning large sums of money fighting their discrimination. If you are of the English race, to the British, you like England your homeland, do not legally exist, you they say, are just any white person living in their new British Britain. They should not legally be able to say that to British English subjects who the Acts of Union 1948 apply too and should be receiving every benefit that other British subjects receive.  

The British are letting this ruse continue because it denies your homeland, and your English and your racial and indigenous rights to all the billions of pounds, privileges, and charity funding that they are giving to Scotland and immigrant cultures they are inviting into England to destroy English power. If you were born before 1949 you are an English subject and accordingly unless the UK government legally declares the end of the union you are entitled to claim all the rights and privileges given to Scotland, and so are those people in Wales before 1949 and Northern Irland. The only thing holding the union together is you being a British Subject, you won’t be if you let the British get rid of the Monarchy.

Racism now means anything that the British want it to mean, and directing the call against the Whites (English) and White (English) culture keeps their British immigrants on side, so they encourage it. Denying England its political and constitutional identity is one thing, but to say it denies you and your English nation its racial and cultural identity is wrong and racist. Yet this racist British elite that now control the UK are asking you to believe so, and you are agreeing, and contributing to your own demise. This is obviously a strictly British Political Decision, will you be the first English person with solid proof of your discrimination, and have the money, to be brave enough to challenge this British injustice in an English court. Until that time the British will continue to use their media sources to destroy you, and you will remain a British white, a whitey, whiteze, or white supremacists, and if you say your English, you will remain a little England racist. There is no main political party interested in you because you are failing to tell them you want your recognition and an English Parliament.

Almost all of England’s assets have been sold or are on the market, and English identities on anything or over anything in public life are disappearing. If not selling the assets off the British are putting their identity all over them, or give their English identities away to foreigners or foreign countries. The media are not exempt in denying you your identity. i.e. When you watch any TV station now you can play the game I spy and guarantee to win, because the English are afraid of ridicule to declare themselves. It’s about time the English people got some bottle. (English saying) If the English don’t take up a challenge now and British Regional government gets established without an English parliament or any political and constitutional recognition, you will become like the Roman, a blimp in their newly created British History. A “Secretary of State for England” is the minimum requirement and should be on all British Party manifestos for this next election.

The last vestiges now of English identities are in the King’s prerogative, and Christianity, and him being head of the state “Church of England”, Sport, English literature, and language.

After failing to get our New King Charles’s Coronation Oath changed regarding him still being Head of the Christian “state” church, “Church of England”. The British plan for the next monarch is to have that amended to comply with their multicultural British Britain secular Identity. It is worth a note here that again it was that man Tony Blair and Scots who let a Druid become Arch Bishop of Canterbury, and let in one now who even put forward the secular suggestion. He likes playing politics more than his sole job of rebuilding people’s faith in Christianity and the word of God. It is now a fact that since joining the EU, the heads of the Christion Church in England have lost faith in their own religion, have abandoned the basic principles of, and the teaching of the “Ten Commandments” and because of it, we are seeing the mental and moral decline of the English nation. Why did this Arch Bishop not object when the British wanted England’s schools to teach England’s children religions other than Christianity. If he believed in his Church of England, he would have done everything to try and stop it.  Makes you wonder why the British wanted to do it at all until you realise it was just one more thing that man Tony Blair said about rubbing English noses in diversity. Why does the Arch Bishop propose this British change to the coronation oath, and why does he support the British move to secularism if he does not want to destroy his Church of England. The Arch Bishop should be re – energising his church with the celebrations of Christianity that was once the Church of the living, with new music, festivities etc. and make it a happy place for families to meet and get the help and comfort in these trying times. Instead, this Arch Bishop never caused a stir when the British allowed towns and cities to deny the name of one his church’s most holy celebrations “Christmas”. This Arch Bishop is responsible for this decline and loss of faith, and he is overseeing England’s Church deteriorate into a place now mostly visited by the dead. The English have lived through times of religious differences, conflicts and bloodshed, that took centuries to sort out, and this Arch Bishop’s suggestion with secularism is inviting them back. It is becoming impossible even now without secularism to teach all of England’s children the basic rudiments, principles and values that led England out of these internal and religious conflicts. If he wants to make his mark on history, he should be bringing all the heads of every religion in England together and get them to create a school curriculum based on agreeable common values to teach children all together and nothing else. The English should return to rebuilding their own communities by returning to their Christian roots and beliefs and dismiss this British stooge before he does any more damage. His support for the British move to secularism will has he well knows, let them supplant their British name on England’s Church, and should be seen as an act of heresy. The British have no jurisdiction over Scotland’s church and any new coronation oath will definitely not be able to attack Scotland’s Kirk.

Soon we have another Olympic Games taking place, and again you will see British racism shoved in English faces by all the usual media sources. You will see the names of every country in the UK and every country in the world splashed all over the TV and newspapers as their competitors win medals. But no matter how many medals, Gold or otherwise you see England win, what you won’t see is one English person win anything. The British have no fear of openly showing their racism against the English because it is never challenged. English commentators, presenters, and everybody else who you know are English and associated with the games, faced with the prospect of ridicule, or probably losing their jobs, they follow the norm. They take their 30 pieces of silver and have no trouble recognising our other United Kingdom nations separate identities, but will force their own to take the failing British UK identity. It does not matter who you are, or where on Earth you are from, you are not allowed according to the British to recognise the English race. It was disgusting to hear Andrew Mar without hesitation on one of his old shows on the BBC pull up an American Ambassador and remind him of his mistake. Call out racism against England when you see it, and all of its inhabitancy too, and start fighting England’s corner. If all nations are British and we still have a UK, then whenever they compete together in games, wars, or any activity, then every nation should be recognised with their British identity, which they should be at such events. If you can mention one, mention all, and what did English war veterans think, seeing the UK nations flags flying on tanks in recent wars, and the British showing to the world their contempt for the English nation being forced to fly the out-of-date Union Jack. “IT WAS A BRITISH EMPIRE”

After capturing the Church of England, only Football, Rugby, Cricket and England’s pubs have enough English community gathering to save their identity. The treasury is being very successful at closing the local clubs and pubs, especially, with the lack of funding for those that were built around particular sporting activities like football, rugby, cricket and bowls etc. Funding denied them because of British non-racial recognition of their English clientele, and the club’s refusal to take the British 30 pieces of Silver to change their name. Don’t forget that your local councils and businesses have to support government policies too, and without funding they can’t afford to support the English sporting activities they want to. You are probably realising and seeing this, as English clubs and English sporting facilities are having to become self-supporting, resulting in many closures. The British in denying the “Ethnic English Trust” and any other English organisation charity status is denying English recognition and prevents local English facilities getting any help, and is a government showing open racism. This racism against the English is being spread and encouraged across every aspect of human activity all over the whole of the UK.

Who would have thought that Football, being the most supported English sporting activity in England wouldn’t have an English FA. But the English are blind to that fact, the FA is now in all but named the British FA and most openly racist association in the UK. They are another organisation taking the British 30 pieces of silver, and deny the English their own identity. There is a Scottish FA, Welsh, Irish associations etc, but these racists not only deny England it’s English identity but actually attack it. The English are forced to sing the British Anthem while all other nations sing one of their own. Proof again, that the British have past the power to do that to the nations in Devolution, power they refuse to take back. The FA recently used the foreign company Nike to openly show to the world their contempt for their English nation. They got them to supply English team shirts that were imprinted with a flag that disgraced the nation they were supposed to represent, and was unrecognisable. They should all be sacked and disgraced themselves for making the team play in the shirt. If the team had any bottle, they would have refused to play in it, or at least done what the youngster in the under 21s team Harvey Elliott appeared to have done. He should be congratulated for hiding the disgraced flag by keeping his collar up. England’s counties too, each have separate county flags displaying recognisable aspects of the county all being denied, and new British regions encouraged to recreate their British desired multicultural flags. These county flags should be resurrected and displayed beside England’s St. Georges flag and celebrated with a national holiday. To help the closure of smaller English football clubs this now British FA want to stop replays of FA cup drawn football matches. It would be no surprise to me if the next suggestion is to bar them from entering.

Obviously, these British racists will do anything to get their British name on the team, don’t support them, show these people who you are.  let’s see every supporter at England games show an English Flag or wear an English top in England’s colours, RED or White, imprinted with the Cross of St. George, One colour for Home and one colour for away. Or both if England gets to a final or semi-final. (Can we get an English company to supply them cheaply and offer them on the CEP web page.)

The British are encouraging all companies and businesses to water down the exposure of England to their products, and instead supplant their name or their now racist Flag instead. You can’t walk anywhere now without seeing a flag of every other nation in the UK but one, England, on any product. I spy should keep the kids happy for an hour or so in the supermarket. This is taking place because companies have to comply with British racial regulations and get heavy fines if ignored. Obviously, the English are being ignored because the British keep forgetting to tell them the English should be included because they are covered under their Race Relations Act. It should be the cross of St. George on products, not the British flag of a un–United Kingdom that they handing to the EU, and have almost destroyed. How can the English keep letting the British stamp their identity all over England while the UK other nations prosper in their own.

Woke is the catalyst they use to destroy the monopoly of the English language on England, and it is becoming a British pastime now to look through all of England’s literature to find something objectionable to some body. The English are letting their children believe this drivel and it is denying the credibility of some of our greatest English Heros, writers. and poets etc. (Fight it)


There is no such National Health Service in England. ENGLAND SINCE DEVOLUTION IS ONLY A MAP REFERENCE for a BHS. A British Health Service which is an entirely different sort of institution than that of those nations with political and constitutional recognition. This BHS was forced on England by Scotland and Scottish MPs after a vote in the UK parliament, even though their own parliament in Scotland had voted to keep their own NHS, and stopped it becoming privatised like England’s. (They deny it of course.) But without doubt it was the case of one half of the once United Kingdom voting to deny the other half.

To understand how this came about you have to realise that since Devolution 1998, those nations with political and constitutional recognition and their own government’s, not only have MPs in these governments, but the British also allow them to send a separate number of British MPs to them in the UK parliament. These MPs from Scotland now, ARE NO LONGER British MPs, they are Scotland’s national MPs from the Scottish National Party, (SNP). Remembering that ENGLAND HAS BEEN DENIED EVEN ONE MP, by Scotland backed British 1998 Devolution. The English are forced to send British MPs to the UK parliament, the very people who want to destroy them and their country and hand it to the EU. Since Devolution 1998 the whole UK parliament of 650 MPs and 785 Lords in the House of Lords are being allowed to ignore England’s presence in the UK if they so wish, and most do.

What this means is that the UK MPs from the recognised nations “ARE All VOTING ON POLICIES THAT WILL NOT HAVE TO APPLY TO THEIR OWN PEOPLE THAT ELECTED THEM”. That’s why the nations have real National Health Services and England has been forced to have a part privatised regional British Health Service. (BHS) This voting against England has happened again on acts of parliament not only this once, and ENGLAND’S BRITISH MPs ARE NOT ALLOWED TO VOTE ON THEIR POLICIES AND CONTINUE TO LET THIS HAPPEN. The nationsmake their own policies in their own parliament. It is unbelievable that those British MPs that are supposed to represent England, continue to keep showing their contempt for the country that elected them, and the English keep voting for them. How much more contempt can you show for your country than let the Scotsman, Gordon Brown, elected by Scotland, from a Scottish constituency become the Prime Minister of the UK. Here was a Scotsman with his own UK government passing Laws on England that did not have to apply to the people and country that elected him. It doesn’t stop there, why are the English elected MPs allowing MPs from these devolved nations be ministers and heads of English departments doing the same thing? England’s British MPs are also paying these people to do it, and allow them all to get the same salary and conditions as they do, even though they don’t have the same constituency responsibilities, because that job is done by their own nation’s MPs. Surely England’s British elected MPs are committing treason against their English Nation?


The British health service is a divisive English regional health service of different sorts of hospitals, and the treatment you get depends on what type of hospitals are in your area, which can take on several forms. You probably recognise the NHS which still supplies treatment free at the point of use, but the treatment you get and when you get it is that of a post code lottery.

There are several types of hospitals, from the large Teaching Hospitals, to District Generals, Psychiatric, Small Community, Specialist and Private etc. But I like most people are mostly interested in the local district General Hospitals of which there are two Main types.

The First Hospital is called an NHS (BHS) Trust

These are hospitals everybody is associated with, they provide accident and emergency, physical and mental care, Maternity and Family Planning, STIs, and other deceases free to ordinary residents of the UK. They are controlled by a government minister who decides the quality, care, and standards they have to meet, and run by a board of local directors. They can apply to become the second type of hospital if they meet the standard he sets.

The Second Hospital is called a Foundation Trust

These are semi – autonomous organisational units in the (BHS)

These are hospitals that provide all the services above but have a greater degree of independence in the decision making, and can decide policies out of government ministerial control. They have the freedom to provide privatised services and services directed towards local need. (Hence how the post code lottery comes in)

There are a lot of debates still going on about these types of hospitals and some people no longer regard them as public services, but profit seeking businesses that are creating a two-tier system of care. Health care needs they say is becoming dependent on your ability to pay. The government have decided that the private section of these hospitals can now provide 49% of the Trust income, and the problem is it can have a dramatic effect on waiting times, as the private sector uses all the same apparatus, operating theatres, and some staff that the NHS does. Although the private sector is run as a profit-making business within the hospital, and has its own management and wage structure etc. there are no shareholders, and the profit is paid into the Trust. The hospital has the freedom to make a profit anywhere it sees it, and if companies can provide the service cheaper and quicker than they can, they use them. Another debatable point is that our other nations patients with their own separate NHS hospitals can send them to England’s BHS and they have to be given better treatment and drugs that are denied to England’s patients, who can even be in the next bed, which has occurred.

Devolved Powers

Each UK recognised nation has varying powers of government, but all are similar. I am only going to deal with Scotland’s half of the United Kingdom. (It’s your money too, that supports these benefits that are denied to you)

Devolved matters     –   include, agriculture, forestry and fisheries, sport, arts,      

benefits (some aspects) consumer advocacy and advice, planning, taxation (some)

economic development, education and training, energy, environment

elections to the Scottish Parliament and local government, tourism, transport (some)

equality legislation (some aspects), fire services, freedom of information

health and social services, housing, justice and policing, local government

Benefits Scotland

Scotland has its own parliament of 129 members known as MSPs and also 59 MPs in the British UK parliament.

It also has its own Secretary of State in the UK cabinet and also has its own Grand Committee and select committee of British UK MPs.

Free   Prescription Charges for all age groups young or old.

          Free in England for over 60s, pregnant or had a baby previous 12 months, aged under 16, or 16 17 18 in full time education, or if you have a medical or HC2 exemption Certificate.  All others pay £9 .90 per item. You can buy prepayment certificates for 3 or 12 months at £32.05 and 114.50

                                                                                                                                                                                             Free    Eye Tests                                       England – Varies £20 – £25

Free    Dental Check – Ups                    England –             £26.80

Free       Whole country travel bus passes for pensioners over 60 no time restrictions, some                                   free regional train travel and discounts

Free        Whole country travel bus passes 5- to 21-year-olds and train discounts                         

 Free     England (update) Whole country Pensioner Bus pass 66 years or older. Free train travel and discounts in some regions, sometime restrictions on Free passes. A regional post code lottery for all passes including children, although under 5 years free is standard.

Free      London Region    Pensioners bus rail, tram, tube travel living in London over 60s

Free      London Region     5 to 18 years available, and discounts

 Council Tax     on average £590 cheaper than England

Given a National Holiday for St. Andrew’s Day

Nurses    Have the opportunity of work after finishing their qualifying period so that they can get their registration. English nurses have to apply for jobs anywhere, if there are any available to get registered. Nurses Pay £2500 more than in England

Free      Hospital Car Parking for the Public and Hospital Staff

England          Everybody pays by the hour

Free    Students pay no tuition fees or top up fees, and no matter which country in the UK they attend they pay no tuition fees either, and up until we came out of the EU, students from the EU only paid what fees the country they studied in paid. Scotland’s students also allowed to go free anywhere in the UK. English students going to Scotland universities forced to pay £9,250 graduation.  

Free    If you are assessed by the local authority that you need personal and nursing care, you will be entitled to get this free of charge no matter what the condition, capital or income you have. “There are top rates paid”, at the moment £248.70 + £111.90 per week, you have to pay any extra costs. But nursing homes have an average cost less than England. If you have less than £21,000 – £35,000 you can get more help


Air Ambulance   Government funding + a supported Charity

Air Ambulance England – Supported Charity

Fishing        There is no national Fishing licence for Coarse, Rainbow Trout or Sea Fishing

                     England      Coarse & Trout yearly – FREE 1yr/16 – 17/66 £35.80 – 66+ £23.80

Has its own National Tourism organisation      Visit Scotland

The British allow Scotland to fly its National Flag in battle   even though Scotland’s armed forces are part of the armed forces of the United Kingdom (All UK nations have same option except England)

How can the UK survive when certain parts have better benefits than others and the English rights are being denied by Scottish and Welsh MPs


This next General Election could decide the end or beginning of a new era for England. If you want to see the end of England, English Law, English culture, English literature, English Church, English unity then vote for Tony Blair and Gordon Brown’s Britain, because if you vote for a British political party without the guarantee of at least a “Secretary of State” for England, that’s what you are going to get.

Do not forget the British by their actions have not yet accepted that we are out of the EU

Whoever you are, wherever you come from, everybody gains if England gets its own parliament and the benefits of Scotland. Don’t let the British destroy England, the UK, and English law-making powers and continue to hand them all to the EU. It is the right of the people of England to have their own distinct particular English national identity acknowledged, within the UK, and the EU, as those of Scotland and Wales have been acknowledged in the British 1998 Devolution legislation.

If you are part of the indigenous English Race, then under the articles of union you are Still a British Subject as well as a British citizen, and should be entitled to all the advantages, privileges etc that Scottish people get if the Union the British UK state government says, still exists. You are being denied those privileges because the British say you and your country England does not now legally exist in the British constitution. ( it can’t be both) We now have a UK Union Constitutional state where a situation exists, with a legal half, England, not recognised, and an illegal one the UK being recognised, even though the other half of its union Scotland, has been given all the powers that denies its existence and only needs the nod off the English.

You are English, say you are English, believe you are English, only when you believe England is your homeland will you open your eyes to the situation you are facing. The British have not yet fully accepted we are out of the EU and England is not yet safe in their hands 

                                                               J Stanhope (Stano) 

                               Campaign for an English Parliament Midlands

              Contacts Mid    Tel 0790 1617734     –     HQ Tel 07508 424869        

                English Parliament PO Box 673 Ashford Kent TN23 9FT

 Jerusalem – Unofficial Anthem of England – YouTube                                                                   

RESISTANCE 77 – Spirit of St George – St George’s Day Parade Nottingham (