
England: Ruled By Quango?

Quangos, ( or arm’s-length bodies (ALBs) as they are properly known), are a critical feature of the UK’s public sector. There are approximately 600 Quangos (ALBs) in the UK, some of which receive government funding…

Do the English have a “Claim of Right”

England’s population are being confused by what is happening in their country, and are still not fully aware, or are completely ignorant in most cases, of the fact that since Devolution the British have been…

What the Lionesses Mean To England.

By Mattanza M Fedora England in a World Cup Final… that is such a beautiful sentence to hear from the commentators on BBC One. As I sat down on my broken couch with a cup…

Why England needs a Parliament of our own. 

I was recently asked why England needs a Parliament of our own.  My answer was something along these lines.  We need an English parliament so England can be recognised politically and constitutionally. We need an…

Do you trust the Westminster Regime?

Let me ask you some questions. Do you trust the Westminster Regime? Do you think any of them have your best interest at heart? After all you know about the Westminster regime why do you still…

An Anglian’s Musings. 

This is going to be a regular weekly blog in which we will air some of our thoughts on current affairs and the state of our poor England at the hands of an uncaring ideologically…

Welcome to Number 127th Edition of ‘Think of England’ 

Editorial England and the rest of the UK: England’s voice: English Affairs: Health and Welfare, Roads and Transport, Tourism, The Economy, Education, Environment, Agriculture Governing England: UK legislation for England England’s heroine: Mercedes Gleitz England’s…