Dear Members and Supporters
The CEP has and will continue to campaign for equality and fairness for England. We ask you to read the following article and then ponder this point:-
The British Labour party doesn’t even produce an English manifesto and when Jeremy Corbyn was asked if he would produce one for devolved English policies he rejected the idea. Yet the British Labour party has agreed to give the Scottish and Welsh Labour parties’ further autonomy.
We ask our members and supporters to write to the British Labour Party asking why they continue to ignore English needs.
If you want to send us a letter our address is:
The Labour Party
Labour Central, Kings Manor
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6PA
Or go to this link
and send an e-mail
This article was published on Labour List website
Labour’s ruling body, the National Executive Committee (NEC), has backed plans to give Scottish Labour further autonomy.
NEC backs further independence for Scottish Labour
21ST SEPTEMBER, 2016 11:10 AM
Labour’s ruling body, the National Executive Committee (NEC), has backed plans to give Scottish Labour further autonomy. Kezia
Scottish Labour Leader Kezia Dugdale secured backing from the NEC to make the party fully autonomous. This is a measure Scottish Labour leaders having been trying to deliver for years.
The NEC gave the sign-off to devolve control over policy, constituency parties and Westminster candidate selections to Scottish Labour. The proposals will be put to Labour’s party conference, which begins in Liverpool this weekend.
The body also agreed that the Scottish and Welsh Labour parties should each have a voting member on the NEC.
Last year Dugdale and UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn issued a joint statement in support of full autonomy for Scottish Labour.
“These will be the biggest changes we’ve seen to how the Scottish Labour Party is run in a generation. It means Scottish Labour is now on track to become fully autonomous within the UK Labour Party. I’m looking forward to making these arguments at the UK conference next week, and hopefully seeing the proposals passed by delegates.
“It is right that as devolution strengthens across the UK that Scottish Labour changes to reflect that. Today we took an important step in achieving that,” said Dugdale.
I consider the Labour Party irrelevant now – they are anti-English working class and are happy to see the end of the English nation