C.E.P. News

CEP May Newsletter

Campaign for an English Parliament Aims, Principles and Policies. We campaign for an English Parliament, meaning a parliament for the people of England, for whom England is their chosen or inherited home and who are…

The CEP March 20 Newsletter

Editorial Campaigning for England: Current English Affairs: Health and welfare, the environment, education, transport, economics, taxing England English politics: SNP interference, English NHS to be run by UK PM, Wood/coal fires to be restricted in…

CEP – Update from our Chairman

Dear Members and Supporters, I thought it would be helpful to give you all an update on the next stage of the Campaign for an English Parliament’s campaigning. The last couple of years have been…

2020 – January Newsletter

Number 99 Contents: Editorial Campaigning for England: Member’s article, Times letters, Article in Daily Telegraph, Constitution Unit Report Current English Affairs: Funding, Social care, stealth taxes, GPs English politics: No report England’s heroes/heroines: Peter Mark…

Think of England – December Newsletter

Editorial Campaigning for England : Chairman’s AGM 2019 report Current English Affairs: Rural areas ignored, education, fly tipping, council tax, & profits social care, GP home visits, maternity care, Manchester, legal aid cuts, It’s all…

Campaign for an English Parliament – October Newsletter

Number 96 October  2019 Contents: Editorial Campaigning for England : Member’s letter Current English Affairs: Funding tertiary education, A&E waiting times, broken prison & justice system. English politics: Electoral registration, education funding, waste strategy England’s…