Chairman’s Message

Hello everyone, I hope you have all had as pleasant a Christmas as was possible. 2020 as a year was quite disappointing for the campaign. Unfortunately 2020 was dominated by Brexit and Covid which marginalised…

The CEP October Newsletter

Number 108: October 2020 Current English Affairs: local government, decaying bridges, planning, English wines English politics: It’s all about Scotland England’s hero: Sir Joseph Swan England’s history: Execution of Sir Walter Raleigh English culture: Punkie…

The CEP September Newsletter

Number 107 September 2020 Contents: Editorial Campaigning for England: The CEP’s response to the Guardian article Current English Affairs: Health and Welfare, Roads and Transport, Planning English politics: The Lords, Priority Scotland, England’s hero: Sir…

The CEP March 20 Newsletter

Editorial Campaigning for England: Current English Affairs: Health and welfare, the environment, education, transport, economics, taxing England English politics: SNP interference, English NHS to be run by UK PM, Wood/coal fires to be restricted in…

CEP – Update from our Chairman

Dear Members and Supporters, I thought it would be helpful to give you all an update on the next stage of the Campaign for an English Parliament’s campaigning. The last couple of years have been…

2020 – January Newsletter

Number 99 Contents: Editorial Campaigning for England: Member’s article, Times letters, Article in Daily Telegraph, Constitution Unit Report Current English Affairs: Funding, Social care, stealth taxes, GPs English politics: No report England’s heroes/heroines: Peter Mark…

Campaign for an English Parliament – October Newsletter

Number 96 October  2019 Contents: Editorial Campaigning for England : Member’s letter Current English Affairs: Funding tertiary education, A&E waiting times, broken prison & justice system. English politics: Electoral registration, education funding, waste strategy England’s…